12 research outputs found

    Tehnike računarske inteligencije u modeliranju i identifikaciji indikatora ponašanja brane

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    Indikatori ponašanja brane su relevantne veličine, čijim se praćenjem utvrđuje da li je stvarno stanje brane u eksploataciji u saglasnosti sa onim što je predviđeno i očekivano u fazi projektovanja. Veličine koje se prate treba da se kreću u nekom unapred definisanom opsegu koji garantuje stanje stabilnosti brane. U ovoj disertaciji su predloženi različiti pristupi modeliranja i parametarske identifikacije indikatora ponašanja brane, poput horizontalnih pomeranja i nivoa vode u pijezometrima, tehnikama računarske inteligencije. Prvi pristup je da se linearno preslikavanje uzročnih veličina u indikatore ponašanja, koje se koristi kod višestruke linearne regresije, zameni nelinearnim. Drugi pristup, predložen u ovom radu, zasniva se na primeni postupka parametarske identifikacije nelinearnih sistema. Horizontalna pomeranja i nivoi vode u pijezometrima su nelinearne, složene funkcije uzročnih veličina, pa je za njihovo modeliranje korišćena NARX (Nonlinear Auto Regresive eXogenous- nelinearni auto-regresioni model sa spoljašnjim ulazom) struktura, kojom je opisana široka klasa nelinearnih dinamičkih procesa. Predloženi pristupi formiranja modela primenjeni su za modeliranje i parametarsku identifikaciju horizontalnih pomeranja tačaka brane Bočac, kao i nivoa vode u pijezometrima brana Đerdap II i Prvonek. Nelinearni modeli zasnovani na tehnikama računarske inteligencije implementirani su korišćenjem programskog jezika Java i programskog paketa Matlab. Tehnike računarske inteligencije korišćene u ovom radu su višeslojni perceptron, RBF (RBF - Radial Basis Function – radijalna osnovna funkcija) neuronska mreža i ANFIS (ANFIS - Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System - fazi sistem za zaključivanje zasnovan na adaptivnoj mreži). Nedostajući podaci u skupu merenja mogu biti uzrok problema u okviru procesa učenja i loših performansi dobijenih modela. U cilju nadomeštanja nedostajućih podataka korišćene su tehnike iz domena matematičke statistike. Prisustvo autlajera u mernim podacima ima veliki uticaj na predviđanja podataka koji nedostaju, pa je njihovo prisustvo posebno analizirano. Takođe je analiziran i problem optimizacije ulazno-izlaznih modela, koji podrazumeva određivanje broja prediktora i dimenzije regresionog vektora, kao i broja parametara neuronskih mreža i neuro-fazi sistema. Performanse modela, formiranih na osnovu predloženog koncepta, poređeni su sa rezultatima dobijenim drugim metodama modeliranja istih indikatora ponašanja prikazanim u relevantoj literaturi objavljenoj u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Na osnovu rezultata zaključeno je da je moguće kreirati i obučiti modele zasnovane na tehnikama računarske inteligencije koji će sa velikom preciznošću predviđati bitne indikatore ponašanja brane.The dam behavior indicators are relevant factors whose monitoring indicates whether the actual operational state of the dam is in accordance with what is expected and anticipated in the design phase. Such indicators should move in a predefined range, in order to guarantee stability of the dam. This dissertation proposes different approaches to modeling and parametric identification of the dam behavior indicators, such as radial displacements or piezometric water levels, using the techniques of artificial intelligence. The first approach is to replace linear mapping of causal variables into behavior indicators, which is used in multiple linear regression, with nonlinear. The second approach proposed in this paper is based on applying the method of parametric nonlinear system identification. Radial displacements and piezometric water levels are nonlinear, complex functions of causal variables, so for their modeling NARX (Nonlinear Auto Regresive eXogenous), which is employed to describe a wide class of nonlinear dynamic systems, is used. These proposed approaches are used for modeling and parametric identification of radial displacements of dam Bočac, and piezometric water levels of dams Iron Gate II and Prvonek. Nonlinear models based on artificial intelligence techniques have been implemented using the Java programming language and MATLAB. Artificial intelligence techniques used in this work are the multilayer perceptron, RBF (Radial Basis Function) neural network and ANFIS (Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System). The presence of missing data in a set of measurements may be causing problems in the learning process and the poor performance of the obtained models. In order to predict the missing data, the techniques of mathematical statistics have been used. Outliers present in a set of measurements have a big effect on the prediction of missing data, and their presence is specifically analyzed. The problem of optimizing the inputoutput model, which involves determining the number of predictors and dimensions of the regression vector, and the number of parameters of neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems, is also analyzed. The performance of the models, formed on the basis of the proposed concept, are compared with those obtained by other methods of modeling the same behavioral indicators presented in relevant accompanying literature published in the last few years. Based on the results, it was concluded that it is possible to create and train models based on computational intelligence techniques to predict with great accuracy the essential dam behavior indicators

    DNK protektivna aktivnost triterpena izolovanih iz medicinske gljive Fomitopsis betulina

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    Eleven 31-methylenlanostane triterpenoids, i.e., seven 21- and four 26-oic acids, as well as a lupane triterpenoid betulin, isolated from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom Fomitopsis betulina, were tested for in vitro protective effect on chromosome aberrations in peripheral human lymphocytes using cytochalasin-B blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay. Most of the tested compounds showed a beneficial effect by reducing DNA damage of human lymphocytes more effectively than amifostine, a radioprotective agent, used as a positive control. All the tested compounds decreased MN frequency in the concentration dependent manner, with the concentration of 2.0 µg mL-1 being the most effective – with increase of the concentration the activity slightly decreases. The structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies indicated that the lanostanes containing a conjugated 7,9 (11)-diene system exhibit lower activity than Δ8-analogues. It was also demonstrated that the DNA protective activities within the Δ8-lanostane-26-oic acid group are affected by the substitution in position 3 pattern. In the Δ8 series the oxygenation at C-12 or 16 as well as 21- or 26-oic acid functionality proved beneficial for in vitro protective effect on chromosomal aberrations. Betulin exhibited the lowest protective activity, but it is still comparable to that of amifostine.Једанаест 31-метиленланостанских тритерпеноида, то јест седам 21- и четири 26- ланостанских киселина, као и лупански тритерпеноид бетулин изолованих из плодонос- них тела гљиве Fomitopsis betulina тестирани су in vitro на заштитни ефекат на аберације хромозома у периферним хуманим лимфоцитима. Примењен је тест мерења учес- талости микронуклеуса индукованих применом инхибитора цитокинезе, цитохалазина Б. Испитивања су показала да већина тестираних једињења показује значајан протек- тивни ефекат на ДНК хуманих лимфоцита, већи него комерцијални радиопротективни агенс аминофостин. У опсегу концентрација 1, 2 и 4 μg mL-1 сва испитивана једињења су смањивала учесталост микронуклеуса (MN), при чему је најефиканија била концентра- ција од 2,0 μg mL-1. Са повећањем концентрације (4 μg mL-1) активност се благо смањује. Студије односа структуре и активности (SAR) показале су да ланостани који садрже кон- југовани 7,9-(11)-диенски систем имају нижу активност од _8-аналога. Такође је пока- зано да на заштитне активности ДНК унутар групе _8-ланостан-26-киселина утиче суп- ституција у положају 3. У _8-серији присуство кисеоничних функција на C-12 или C-16, као и C-21 или C-26 карбоксилних група повећава in vitro протективни ефекат на на ДНК хуманих лимфоцита. Међу испитиваним једињењима тритерпен бетулин (лупанска серија) је показао најмањи протективни ефекат сличан са протективним ефектом ами- фостина

    Cytotoxicity of Platinum(Iv) and Palladium(Ii) Complexes with Meso-1,2-Diphenyl-Ethylenediamine-N,N -Di-3-Propanoic Acid. Crystal Structure of [Pd(1,2-Dpheddp)] Complex

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    The syntheses of tetradentate ligand, meso-1,2-diphenyl-ethylenediamine-N,N-di-3-propanoic acid (H-2-1,2-dpheddp) and corresponding platinum(IV) and palladium(II) complexes are reported here. The spectroscopically predicted structure of the obtained palladium(II) complex was confirmed by X-ray analysis. Singe crystals suitable for X-ray measurements were obtained by slow crystallization from a DMSO-water mixture. Cytotoxic effects of platinum(IV), palladium(II) complexes and cisplatin on the 4T1 and Bl6F1 cell lines were determined using the MTT colorimetric technique. The complexes showed a dose dependence on cytotoxic effect toward both cell lines. Both complexes were less active than cisplatin, the exception was concentrations above 62.5 mu M of platinum(IV) complex in the B16F1 cell line

    Determination of titratable acidity in white wine

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    The amount of titration acid in must is in the largest number of cases with in the range 5.0-8.0 g/dm3. Wines, as a rule, contain less acids than must, and according to Regulations, titratable acidity is in the range of 4.0-8.0 g/dm3 expressed in tartaric acid, because a part of tartaric acid is deposited in the form of salts (tartar or argol) during alcohol fermentation. For wines that contain less than 4 g/dm3 of titratable acids there arises a suspicion about their origin, that is, that during the preparation some illegal acts were done. Because of that, the aim of this paper is to determine titratable acidity in white wine, using standard methods of determination, which are compared with the results received by potentiometric titration using ion-selective electrode. According to the received results it can be seen that wine titration with indicator gives sufficient reliable values of wine titration acidity. However, as potentiometric titration at pH value 7.00 is more reliable and objective method, the values of titratable acids content in wine, expressed through tartaric acid, are given according to this result. The analysis of differential potentiometric curves shows that these curves can give us an answer to the question of the presence of a larger amount of other nonorganic substances, which have already existed in wine. However, none of the used methods gives absolutely reliable answer what substances are present in analysed samples

    Insecticidal impact of alumina powders against Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say)

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    For long-term protection of stored products there is a growing demand to replace chemical insecticides due to their effects on human health and environmental safety. Particulate materials, such as inert dusts and various submicron and nanomaterials have been extensively tested as viable alternatives. This is the first study on the insecticidal impact of alumina powder (α-Al2O3) on the bruchid pest, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). By altering the fuel to oxidant molar ratio (F/O: 0.5, 0.8, 1.2) in an autocombustion reaction we synthesized alumina powders with specific surface area and particle size varying from the nano- to micron scale. It was found that particle morphology influenced survival and progeny number of A. obtectus. The order of powders from low to high efficacy in reducing beetle performance (F/O-0.8 < F/O-0.5 < F/O-1.2) correlated well with increase in surface area, pore volume and diameter, and decrease in particle size. Survival was also affected by time of exposure, the applied dose and sex. The estimated median lethal concentration of the most efficient powder F/O-1.2 was significantly lower in males (LC50 = 330.4 ppm) than in females (LC50 = 409.6 ppm). Our results suggest that alumina powder can be considered for seed protection against A. obtectus, particularly during long-term storage, as it is cost effective, exerts limited toxicity to humans and demands no repetitive use like conventional pesticides

    Study of the floristic composition of fir-spruce-beech forests in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    The mixed forest of fir, spruce, and beech (Piceo-Abietetum Čolić 1965) is an important and widespread plant community on the Balkan Peninsula. Within the Dinarides, it occupies the upper zone of the beech-fir forest belt, establishing a regional belt of vegetation in the Illyrian province. This community occupies significant areas in western and southwestern Serbia where it also creates a regional belt, thus confirming that this part of Serbia belongs to the Illyrian floral-geographical province. This paper compares the floristic composition of the fir-spruce-beech forests in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in order to determine the differences between the study stands. A total of 29 relevés were analyzed, 17 from the mountain of Lisina (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and 12 from the Pešter plateau (Serbia). Cluster analysis revealed a clear differentiation between the study stands and species in Bosnia-Herzegovina and those in Serbia. The main difference is in the dominant species: Fagus moesiaca (K. Maly) Czecz. in Serbia and Fagus sylvatica L. in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In Bosnia-Herzegovina, the forest grows under conditions of a uniform, maritime and humid climate, while in Serbia it grows under conditions of a continental climate with less rainfall and a strong zoo-anthropogenic impact. Regarding the spectrum of life forms, there are more phanerophytes and geophytes in Bosnia-Herzegovina than in Serbia. On the other hand, the spectrum of floral elements in Serbia is richer in xerophilous, Balkan and sub-Mediterranean floral elements

    The Effects of Potassium Channel Opener P1075 on the Human Saphenous Vein and Human Internal Mammary Artery

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    Because adrenergic contractions can contribute to the development of life-threatening spasm of coronary artery bypass graft, this study was performed to investigate the effect of adenosine 3-phosphate (ATP)-sensitive K(+) channel (K(ATP)) opener P1075 on contractions of isolated human saphenous vein (HSV) and human internal mammary artery (HIMA). Phasic contractions were evoked by electric field stimulation (20 Hz) and noradrenaline. The sustained contractions were evoked by phenylephrine. The presence of pore-forming Kir6.1 and Kir6.2 subunits of the K(ATP) channels in the HIMA and only Kir6.2 in the HSV was confirmed immunomorphologically. P1075 inhibited in the HSV only, the electrical field stimulation contractions more strongly than noradrenaline contractions. In addition, the phenylephrine contractions of HSV were more sensitive to P1075 in comparison to those of HIMA. Glibenclamide, a K(ATP) channel blocker antagonized the vasodilatation produced by P1075 in both grafts differently, because its effect was more prominent on the P1075-induced inhibition of contractions of HSV than of HIMA. We conclude that P1075 has a vasorelaxant effect and inhibited adrenergic contractions of the tested grafts. This effect is graft and vasoconstrictor selective and seems to be mediated by Kir6.1-and/or Kir6.2-containing K(ATP) channels. Thus, P1075 can be considered as a potential drug in the prevention of graft spasm

    Cytotoxicity of copper(II)-complexes with some S-alkyl derivatives of thiosalicylic acid. Crystal structure of the binuclear copper(II)-complex with S-ethyl derivative of thiosalicylic acid

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    The spectroscopically predicted structure of the obtained copper(II)-complex with S-ethyl derivative of thiosalicylic acid was confirmed by X-ray structural study and compared to previously reported crystal structure of the Cu complex with S-methyl derivative. Single crystals suitable for X-ray measurements were obtained by slow crystallization from a water solution. Cytotoxic effects of S-alkyl (R = benzyl (L1), methyl (12), ethyl (L3), propyl (IA) and butyl (L5)) derivatives of thiosalicylic acid and the corresponding binuclear copper(II)-complexes on murine colon carcinoma cell lines, 026 and CT26.CL25 and human colon carcinoma cell line HCT-116 were reported here. The analysis of cancer cell viability showed that all the tested complexes had low cytotoxic effect on murine colon carcinoma cell lines, but several times higher cytotoxicity on normal human colon carcinoma cells. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Study of the anticancer potential of Cd complexes of selenazoyl-hydrazones and their sulfur isosters

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    The biological activity of Cd compounds has been investigated scarce since Cd has been recognized as a human carcinogen. However, the toxicity of cadmium is comparable to the toxicity of noble metals such as Pt and Pd. The paradigm of metal toxicity has been challenged suggesting that metal toxicity is not a constant property, yet it depends on many factors like the presence of appropriate ligands. Studies on anticancer activity of cadmium complexes showed that the complexation of various ligands resulted in complexes that showed better activities than approved drugs. In the present study, cadmium complexes with biologically potent thiazolyl/selenazoyl-hydrazone ligands have been prepared, and tested for their activity against different types of tumor cell models. The complexation of ligands with Cd(II) resulted in a synergistic effect. The antiproliferative activity study revealed that all complexes are more active compared to 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin. The mechanism of tumor cell growth inhibition reveal that selenium-based compounds induce cell death in T-47D (gland carcinoma) cells through apoptosis via caspase-3/7 activation. Additionally, their pro-apoptotic effect was stronger compared to etoposide and cisplatin. Nuclease activity, detected by gel electrophoresis, may be the possible mechanism of anticancer action of investigated complexes

    Zn(II) complexes with thiazolyl–hydrazones: structure, intermolecular interactions, photophysical properties, computational study and anticancer activity

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    Earth-abundant, cheap and non-toxic zinc-based coordination compounds are drawing research attention as promising candidates for various applications, such as photoluminescent materials and anticancer agents. In this paper we report six zinc complexes (1–3-NO3 and 1–3-Cl) with pyridyl-based thiazolyl–hydrazone ligands, which differ in the nature of substituents at the ligands' periphery, anion type, and geometry around the metal ion. The complexes were characterized by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction analysis, as well as IR and NMR spectroscopy. The symmetrical complexes 2-Cl and 3-Cl, where zinc atoms are located at a two-fold axis, do not exhibit photophysical properties, unlike their asymmetrical analogs 2-NO3 and 3-NO3 with the same complex cation. Asymmetrical pentacoordinated 1-Cl and hexacoordinated 1-NO3 complexes exhibit photophysical properties. An admixture of allowed intra-ligand (1IL) and chloro (X)-to-ligand charge-transfer (1XLCT) electronic transitions is responsible for the fluorescence of the 1-Cl complex. The origin of the emission of the 1-NO3 complex is ascribed to an admixture of 3IL and ligand-to-ligand charge-transfer (3LLCT) forbidden electronic transitions, while for 3-NO3 most electronic excitations are of LLCT character. The thermal stability of the complexes is in accord with the strength of respective intermolecular interactions. The antiproliferative activity of the complexes was in the nanomolar range on some of the investigated cancer cell lines. Contrary to the increase of antiproliferative activity of the complexes in comparison to the free ligands in cancer cell lines, an acute toxicity determined in the brine shrimp assay follows the opposite trend. The overall results suggest that Zn(II) thiazoyl–hydrazone complexes have considerable potential as multifunctional materials